Harrogate Line is listed in the following Department for Transport News
Release today.
The DfT announced today (13 December 2013) the following
measures to improve rail services:
The railway line between Wigan (North Western Station) and
Bolton (Lostock Junction) will be electrified, at an estimated cost of £37
million and targeted for completion by 2017. This will enable the conversion
of the busy Wigan to Manchester Victoria services and Wigan to Manchester
Airport services from older Pacer diesel trains to more modern and higher
capacity electric trains.
A joint taskforce will explore where next for electrification
in the North. The new taskforce will be made up of experts from Network Rail
and the DfT and will involve train operators, local authorities including
the Rail North consortium, the supply chain and local Members of Parliament.
This group will provide the Transport Secretary with an interim report
within 12 months setting out how schemes can be brought forward and their
development accelerated.
As part of Network Rail’s ongoing work to identify the next
generation of schemes that will be electrified as part of the government’s
continued rail investment, the routes to be examined will include:
will keep all our supporters informed when this Taskforce is operational as
we may need further evidence of potential demand to justify a high priority
for electrification of the Harrogate.
If you are interested in joining the
Harrogate Line Supporters Group, please send an email to